Lesson 4 – Leisure Policy: General Provisions

To complete Lesson 4 you must have completed Lesson 3 – Advice and Disclosure Obligations


1. Australian residents aged 75 or less at the time of travel who are travelling on a return basis. Our Travel Industry Partners can issue policies for to travellers up to 85 years of age.

2. Non-permanent residents of Australia aged 75 or less at the time of travel who are travelling on either a return basis or a one-way basis.

3. Australian residents or non-permanent residents of Australia aged 75 years or less who are already overseas at the time of purchase.

Complete the Quiz questions below after watching the video. Once all questions are correct select the “Click here to continue” button to move onto the next lesson.

REGIONS – Find the details at www.goinsurance.com.au/regions/

Australia or Australia Domestic Cruising

You can select a region such as All of Europe, All of Asia

Or enter the countries the client is specifically travelling to.

Worldwide (anywhere in the World)

There are benefits to entering only the countries being visited. On an AMT, you will have to add the countries that you are aware of at the time of purchase.

Hint* Travelling to Bali – type Indonesia


Your dependent child (or children) is insured free of charge when travelling with You. 

Your dependent child (or children) is/are insured free of charge when travelling with You. A dependent child is
Your child, grandchild, stepchild, foster child and/or any child for whom You are the legal guardian provided they
are aged 20 years or less at the time of policy purchase and financially dependent on You. Your dependent
child(ren) must be named on the Certificate of Insurance or cover to be in force.

Travellers aged 16 or 17 who are travelling unaccompanied are also eligible for cover, although premium applies.

PERIOD OF INSURANCE – Single Trip – Annual Multi-Trip Policy

Details on Page 15 of the PDS – cover from the time and date the policy is issued until the end date and time shown on Your Certificate of Insurance.


A Pre-existing Medical Condition is defined to mean:

Any physical and/or mental defect, illness, disease, condition or injury

a. that is currently being or has been investigated or treated by a Medical Practitioner or other health professional (including dentist/s and/or allied health practitioners):

i. Within the 90 days prior to policy issue in the case of a Single Trip policy;

ii. Within the 90 days prior to policy issue or 30 days prior to booking a Trip in the case of an Annual Multi Trip policy;

iii. During the original Period of Insurance if the policy is an extension or replacement of the original policy.

b. of which You are aware or the symptoms of which You are aware;

c. for which You take prescribed medication, have had surgery or consult a Medical Practitioner;

d. of an ongoing or recurring nature or complication attributable to the condition.

This definition applies to You, Your Travelling Companion, Relative(s) and any person on whose state of health the Trip depends. Certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions are automatically covered under this policy.

SPORTS & LEISURE ACTIVITIES (automatically included and/or Snow Sport, Water Sports etc) Page 18


Have an electronic version of our PDS available and by utilising Control-F and typing a word in the search bar – check them out.


It is not possible to cover everything with Insurance, find the exclusions on Page 31.

CLAIMS (in-house Claims Team and Emergency 24/7 Assistance)